The Brewer Report:
Cancer Cover-Up: The Book
Neal Deoul's Dosage
Many of you are asking for more information about my personal experience with Cesium - High pH Therapy.
How much Cesium did I take?
What does the literature indicate?
When did I take it?
What is my prognosis?
First and foremost, based on personal experience, I urge everyone to seek the counsel of an experienced healthcare professional. I am a physicist and an attorney, not a physician.
The following information is my experience and is not provided for purposes of diagnosis, treatment or prescription. Involve your doctor. The more experience physicians and oncologists have with Cesium the more likely they are to incorporate Cesium into their practice and to recommend the use of Cesium to their colleagues in treating cancer.
I utilized the following protocol after I was diagnosed with prostate cancer.
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I was told, always take Cesium with food!
I took three one gram Cesium capsules daily --- one at breakfast, one at dinner, one before bedtime in the evening (with food), for six-weeks.
Additionally, I took four - 1000 milligrams Vitamin C tablets daily, one with each gram of Cesium plus the fourth Vitamin C tablet at lunch.
I also took Zinc (25 - 30 milligrams) at breakfast; plus one "Slo - K" Potassium capsule daily as prescribed by a physician.
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Chart Form for Convenience
Breakfast |
Cesium (1 gram capsule) plus
Vitamin C (1000 milligrams) plus
Zinc (25 - 30 milligrams) and
One slo k potassium capsule as prescribed by a physician |
Lunch |
Vitamin C (1000 milligrams) |
Dinner |
Cesium (1 gram capsule) plus
Vitamin C (1000 milligrams) |
Before Bedtime
in the evening |
Cesium (1 gram capsule) plus
Vitamin C (1000 milligrams),
after eating 2 slices of bread. |
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Let me emphasize, I was informed that Cesium must always be taken with food. I strictly followed that advice throughout my treatment period.
Others who followed the Cesium protocol in treating their cancer inform me that they have taken as much as 6 grams of Cesium daily, adhering to a similar schedule as outlined above and always with food and supplements.
I must point out that at various times during the protocol period, I experienced what I describe as minor "flu like symptoms." I have read that others taking Cesium experienced tingling sensations around the nose and lips, but I did not.
Let me caution the reader, I know that very large doses of Cesium are used clinically to produce cardiac arrhythmia (increased or erratic heart rates) in animals; therefore it is best to consult a healthcare practitioner before taking Cesium. Do not self-prescribe.
After adhering to the Cesium protocol for a six week period and over subsequent months my PSA dropped from 8.1 to its' current stabilized level at 4.5. The most recent blood work and results of a bone scan indicate that I show no signs of cancer.
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NOTE: A few individuals have read that radioactive Cesium is used by radiologists in conventional cancer treatment and asked whether this is the same as Cesium - High pH Therapy. No, it is not. Cesium - High pH Therapy utilizes only unaltered, naturally occurring, non-radioactive Cesium, in the form of a salt - Cesium chloride.
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Everything I have said here is based upon my personal experience and knowledge. Whatever I have said is not meant to convey any impression that others should expect the same results that I experienced.
Let me quickly review. I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in January 1999. At the time tests indicated that my PSA was 8.1. Subsequent biopsies confirmed the presence of prostate cancer, indicating an aggressive Gleason score at 7. My physician recommended immediate radical surgery. In fact he was so insistent and sure of his authority that he scheduled the procedure. I refused.
I had financed T-UP, Inc. a company that distributed Cesium, nature's most alkaline mineral and T-UP, a highly concentrated aloe vera liquid. I financed T-UP, Inc. firmly believing then, as I do today, that these dietary supplements are safe and effective. That's my personal experience.
That's the experience of several hundreds of people I know personally. Kathleen and I decided the honest and best decision --- the only decision --- I had to do what was best for me. That was to follow the Cesium protocol.
One word of caution --- When people ask about my experience with Cesium, I counsel that before taking an alternative therapy or dietary supplements discuss the decision with a knowledgeable healthcare practitioner. If your physician is negative find a physician with an open mind. Keep searching until you find a qualified physician who will respect your right to make your own healthcare choices.
I hope this information helps you …
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